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Psalm 118 Resung

Psalm 118 – Generous Praise / Hodayah

Grateful, silent breath of life

Voice your thanks – ki l’olam hasdo

that loving deeds endure.

What say you, yisrael?

Share your seeker’s song – ki l’olam hasdo

that loving deeds endure.

What say you, house of ‘I will sing’?

Play your peacemaker’s song – ki l’olam hasdo

that loving deeds endure.

What say you witnesses of wonder?

Announce amazement to the world – ki l’olam hasdo

that loving deeds endure.

Min hameitzar…When a narrow pharaoh mind

tries to hide what’s true and kind,

Put pride aside, let wonder opens wide the eyes.

When breath and beauty fill me, fear flees.

What can a man to do me? Love’s here to help me

as I, I look, strive to see with eyes emptied of antagonism.

Silence whispers more wisdom

than the most trusted advisors of men.

Silence whispers more assurance

than the most trustworthy benefactors.

Foreign nations surround me, spinning tales,

circling me with names I cannot pronounce.

I’m engulfed by strange syllables I cannot say.

Words swarm ‘round, crackling

like torched thorns throwing sparks

more names that I cannot pronounce.

Words, oppressive, weighing me down

Falling short, still something steadies me.

Ozi…My strength – discerning eyes, and yes

my song – word-free melody

unmuted and triumphant, a voice,

joy and deliverance resounding

in vaulted halls of justice and piety.

Nourishing wondrous love exalted

Nourishing wonder making love

into a life of valor.

I will not die, but live

Make each breath count.

Musar me. Help me embrace this discipline,

tracking actions and implications

measure for measure

that the next breath given

not be taken from me

and given to death.

Pithu li…Undo the deadbolt on the gates of justice.

Through the front or around the back, I’ll let you know now

I am coming in. This is the way.

The gate opens for those demanding justice.

Odecha…I get it now.

A humble response arouses a gratitude

that could save me from myself.

Even maasu…A skipped-over stone sinks not.

The one the builders rejected in haste

Later take its place as the head cornerstone

Each consonant-and-vowel in speech-and-script,

Every particle-and-wave in time-space-and-soul

this is it. Such a wonder to behold.

Zeh hayom…This is the day, each-and-all

Rolled into one, let us be glad and rejoice in it.

Ana Adonai

I am, we are in need of help we are, I am.

I am, we are in luck we are, I am.

Baruch habah… Welcome.

Blessings of wellbeing upon all who came,

who tuned in to help turn

silent breath into sacred song.

Here we bless thee

home to home

filling with expansive light

adorned anew with offerings,

melodies fresh and green, waving like willows,

creative ways to share thanks and praise

and elevate our ever-present, over-looked connections.

This is good, lastingly, lovingly good …ki l’olam hasdo.

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