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Seven Blessings for Seventh Month

More of the moon hiding in shadow than not now.

Less than a week until the new moon of the new year,

Rosh Hashanah, the mid-year renewal at the head

of the seventh month, recalling 6th day of Creation,

Adam and Eve, gans of Eden, first canopy.

The shofar sounds re-rousing my courage.

You hide. I'll seek.

Ready or not here I come,

hearing these blessings,

seven blessings from a wedding canopy,

then listening for the echoes of a collective 'Amen.'

  1. Earth, vine, fruit, harvest, cup, joy, here, now – blessing.

  2. You, me, all, we, created free, honors Thee – blessing.

  3. Breath, life, desire, strife, humanity becoming – blessing.

  4. Imagine, dream, sparks leap – blessing.

  5. Smile on, Zion blooms, parents cheer, children here, rejoice and tear – blessing.

  6. Happy companions, smiling lovers, Eden’s garden grows larger, weddings – blessings.

  7. Joy, happy joy, enjoy the joy, join in the joy, cry out in joy, play the song, roll in laughter, make the mirth that you and you know your-her-his-and-our full worth. From canopy to feast and every sad and glad-filled scene between – blessing. The joy of this one and this one and we-s one-d -- a blessing. (amen)

What vows and blessings are on your tongue this week?

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